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The Integrated Therapeutic Alignment Energy Medicine Association, Inc. Is a non profit Association for ITA energy medicine practitioners, students, licensed course facilitators and supportive friends in Australia and overseas.

The ITAEMA was incorporated in Western Australia on 20 August 2010

Committee of Management 2023-2024

Liz La Verghetta s.jpeg
Liz La Verghetta
Beverly Dallas
Vice President
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Kirsten Frost 2022.jpeg
Kirsten Frost
Treasurer & Membership Officer
Annette Crisp
Committee Member
Christine Lomangino Aug 2022 uncropped.jpg
Christine Lomangino
Committee Member
Shannon Piotrowski s.jpg
Shannon Piotrowski
Social Media Coordinator
Valarie Coventry.jpg
Valarie Coventry
Committee Member
Melaney Ryan
Committee Member

Objectives of the Association & Rules.

Registered No: A1014933D The Association rules can be found here 


The objectives of the Association are to:

  1. Serve as a representative membership organisation of the ITA Energy Medicine profession.

  2. Serve as an official representative of the ITA Energy Medicine profession.

  3. Recommend & support standards of education and professional competency for ITA Energy Medicine practitioners and therapists.

  4. Promote ITA Energy Medicine both as a form of treatment for wellbeing and healing and as a form of self development.

  5. Promote international acceptance and awareness of ITA Energy Medicine as a respected knowledge for wellness of body, mind and spirit.

  6. Effect public policy and legislation in all matters pertaining to the ITA Energy Medicine practice.

  7. Develop, participate in, conduct and support ITA Energy Medicine research programmes.

  8. Encourage and facilitate continuing education opportunities in ITA Energy Medicine related fields.

  9. Arrange the availability of one or more liability insurance policies specifically to meet the needs of members.

  10. Encourage and co-ordinate voluntary ITA Energy Medicine programmes and services within the community.

  11. Preserve the modality of ITA Energy Medicine in its originator's and successors' format.

  12. Facilitate the education of an understanding of the techniques of ITA Energy Medicine for interested individuals.

  13. Promote the provision of an ethical, quality and holistic approach to the ITA Energy Medicine treatment of the individual.

  14. Do all things necessary, proper and not contrary to law in the interest of the Association and its members in carrying out the Association’s mission and purposes.

Practitioners’ Code of Ethics

The Integrated Therapeutic Alignment Energy Medicine Association’s (ITAEMA) Code of Ethics comprises a practitioner’s duties and obligations to his or her clients, the public, and to each other. They are based on established moral obligations that ensure the dignity and integrity of the profession.

Practice Aims
An ITAEMA practitioner must conduct his/her practice with courtesy, honesty, respect, and a high degree of professional competence in the proper care of his/her clients, with due respect for the client’s unequivocal rights and personal dignity.


An ITAEMA practitioner must not disclose to a third party, any client information obtained through his/her professional relationship with the client, without the client’s consent, except:
•    Where required to do so by law; and
•    In an emergency or other dangerous situation where, in the opinion of the ITA Energy Medicine practitioner, the information may assist in avoiding possible injury or harm to the client or another person.


An ITAEMA practitioner shall not work with a child under 16 years of age except in the presence of/ or with the consent of, a parent, or guardian, or another responsible adult.


Proper Conduct
An ITAEMA practitioner shall not take physical, psychological, sexual, financial or other advantage of a client.


An ITAEMA practitioner must not presume to diagnose or cure any disease of any client.


An ITAEMA practitioner is entitled to receive reasonable compensation for his/her services rendered, based on usual and customary practices, experience, time, reputation, the nature of the client’s condition, and the client’s ability to pay. An ITAEMA practitioner should be prepared to discuss payment options where there is apparent hardship.


An ITAEMA practitioner shall maintain a non-judgemental attitude towards all clients.


An ITAEMA practitioner shall refrain from criticising other practitioners and/or modalities.


An ITAEMA practitioner must maintain premises to a professional standard and ensure that these premises, together with all equipment, are kept in a safe, serviceable and hygienic condition.


Client Benefits
An ITAEMA practitioner shall, if requested, assist clients to secure any benefits due to the client, by supplying necessary information relating to the client’s treatment.


Professional Development
An ITAEMA practitioner shall continue to develop their professional skills and knowledge.




The association is governed by the Associations Incorporation Act 2015


Under the ITA Energy Medicine Association's Rules, the affairs of the Association are managed by an elected Committee of Management consisting of:


(a) a Chairperson; (b) a Deputy Chairperson;

(c) a Secretary;

(d) a Treasurer;

(e) a Membership Officer, and

(f) not less than two other persons. Members of the Committee are elected for the financial year at each annual general meeting.


Any member may nominate herself or himself or one or more other members for election to any position. Where a vacancy occurs during the year, the Committee may appoint another member to fill the vacancy.


In addition the Committee of Management appoints additional positions and Sub Committees as required to perform specific tasks.


If you would like to form or be part of a Special Purpose Sub Committee, please email the secretary

Founding ITAEMA members

The ITAEMA would like to make a special acknowledgment to the association members who played key roles in the establishment and early years of the association.


With gratitude we recognise:

Anne Randall

Beverly Dallas

Dennis Cook

Emma Boyne

Jenna Ryan

Jenny Stein

Julie Weber

Melaney Ryan

Natalie Stonier

Rebecca Privilege

Shirley Clapson

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